What's juicing all about?

It's not always easy to get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals we need every day. Life is busy, hectic and grabbing healthy options is sometimes elusive.

In every 330ml JuicyPedlar juice is 100% raw, cold pressed vegetables and fruits. And the juices made at JuicyPedlar are super heavy on the veggies! This optimises maximum nutrition intake and limits natural sugar ingestion. The amount of macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals is mind-blowing. Whether you are looking for a muscle recovery post run, a nutrition boost due to a limited diet intake, a cleanse after the night before or an energy boost before a long cycle ride or run, a JuicyPedlar juice will fit the bill. We have you covered for physical and mental well-being and improvement.

Every time we intake food, our body has to take energy and time to digest the 'waste' from the nutrition. This process takes energy and time preventing the bodies alternate functions of repair and detoxification. Drinking a nutrient packed raw, cold pressed vegetable juice enters your bodies blood stream within 15 minutes offering you macro nutrients, energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals immediately. There is no loss to nutrient value through the slow, gentle crushing juicing process and your body is spared the laborious task of digesting what you in-jest. It's nutritions finest fast food! We eat regularly throughout the day, hardly ever giving our bodies a chance to nurture its other functions. Our bodies have exceptional ability to heal, when we let them.

A few benefits from regular juicing are;

Immune system support | aiding digestion | assisting sport performance

muscle recovery | mental clarity | energy boost | weight loss | heart health

lifestyle & diet refocus | hair and nail support

Treat yourself to the goodness of nature and its nutritional offerings – sip, savour, and boost your insides with JuicyPedlars exceptional cold-pressed juices.